Study Jyotisha

Jyotisha is an incredible tool which allows us to gain a glimpse into the otherwise unseen laws of nature. Over the years, I have seen how it can be used effectively to promote growth, healing, insight and harmony in life.

  • Those who work in the helping professions such as counselors, healers or therapists of all kinds can use Jyotisha to better understand their clients, enhancing their work with them considerably.
  • Others may be seeking to learn Jyotisha as a meaningful hobby which promotes a sense of connection to Nature and its cycles, and enables one to offer readings to friends and family.
  • Yet others may be looking to offer readings and Jyotisha consultations as a vocation.

In any case, I would be honored to walk with you on the path of learning Jyotisha if you are so inclined. Lessons can be in person in the Portland, OR area or online if long distance. Weekly hour-long lessons are recommended if possible. $50 per lesson. Group courses are also available at a reduced rate, for groups of up to 7 people. If you are interested in embarking on this journey of learning, contact me below. 


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